This group is open to anyone that:
 | lives or can commute to the SE TX area; this would include folks in
neighboring states; |
 | has or will obtain an authentic Elvis outfit; |
 | is interested in appearing as Elvis. |
There is no approval or audition needed, you are accepted regardless of your
singing ability or performing experience. This is not a "select"
group that will pick and choose it's members...all who are trying to give the
best image of Elvis they can are welcome.
When you join your benefits are:
 | your picture(s) and bio on the web site; |
 | you will be part of a group that makes appearances at MAJOR area events
(thanksgiving day parade, Uptown Houston lighting ceremony, sports
halftimes, Art Car parade, Galveston Mardi Gras); |
 | we all will get more bookings as this web site becomes the place for area
organizations to find area ETAs; |
 | you will have access to the background tracks purchased by us; |
 | you will have access to our full collection of Elvis videos; |
 | you'll receive discounts available to members; |
 | you will receive a beautiful, personalized wooden Elvis silhouette
symbolizing your membership in the group. |
The annual fees for the group are FREE FOR THE FIRST TEN MEMBERS, $10
thereafter; send your check to:
Mike Powell
16431 Hidden Gate Ct.
Sugar Land, TX 77478
You can also pay me via PayPal ( with my email address

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